Terms and conditions for participation in the “Surveyeah” consumer panel.
Established between:
Tradatech Srl, sole proprietorship with a capital of 50,000 euros, with legal headquarters in Milan,
Italy in Via De Amicis 47. Registered at the Chamber of Commerce of Milan under VAT number 08335940964.
Represented by Nicolò Fisogni as legal representative of the company.
Owner of the consumer panel “Surveyeah” and the website www.surveyeah.com.
Hereinafter called “Surveyeah”,
The person who will complete the registration form.
Hereinafter called the “Panelist”.
Given that:
- Through its website www.surveyeah.com, Surveyeah offers a wide range of services including the possibility for panelists to exchange opinions on products and services and, in some cases, to be able to try them, as well as allowing participation in online market research and paid surveys sent via email.
- The implementation of such services, and the fulfillment of market research, require Surveyeah to send online paid surveys to certain Internet users registered on the panel (hence the name “Panelists”). Participation by the panelists is voluntary and optional, and although paid should paid surveys be sent, there is no type of legal subordination between Surveyeah and the panelist.
- These terms and conditions serve to regulate the methods of operation and participation in Surveyeah’s services and paid surveys.
The following is agreed:
Article 1 – Definitions
To facilitate the draft, the following recurring terms are identified with a capital letter:
“Panel” is the group of people who have registered with the Surveyeah services in order to participate in paid surveys that are sent via email, their registration is confirmed via email by Surveyeah.
“Panelist” is a Surveyeah panel member.
“Account” is the personal account of the Panelist who, by agreeing to the terms and conditions and clicking on the link in the confirmation email sent by Surveyeah, has activated his/her registration with the service. By accessing his/her personal account, the Panelist can edit, add, or delete personal information, as well as consult the balance and download the pre-established rewards.
“Registration Form” is the questionnaire that the Panelist completes during the registration with the Surveyeah panel, including the required fields (name, email address, password, gender, year of birth, post code); these are the minimum data required to perform market analyses on a significant sample.
“Research” or “Market research” are the market research and / or surveys of any type on any topic performed by Surveyeah or partner customers aimed at studying the behaviour and opinions of consumers and people.
“Site” is the website www.surveyeah.com through which registration and access the Surveyeah consumer panel is made.
“Services” or “Service” is the range of services offered by Surveyeah, such as sending paid surveys, testing products, and exchanging opinions.
Article 2 - Purpose
The purpose of this agreement is to define the terms and conditions so that the Panelist meets the requirements to be part of the Panel, in order to receive paid surveys via email and use the services of the site in general. By joining the panel, entering the data in the required fields and clicking on the link in the confirmation email, the Panelist accepts the terms of this contract.
Article 3 – Registration for the “Surveyeah” consumer panel
In order to register, the applicant must:
- Be a natural or legal person
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Reside in the country of the chosen panel
- Have a valid email address
- Have completed the required fields of the registration form
- Accept these terms and conditions
Surveyeah reserves the right to accept or reject the registration of a Panelist at any point without having to provide a motivation for the decision.
Article 4 – Acceptance of the terms by the Panelist
By receiving the confirmation email, after entering the data in the
fields on the the registration form, and clicking on the registration
confirmation link in the email, the Panelist accepts the terms of this
Surveyeah will retain all correspondence with the Panelist, including
the registration confirmation email, in order to have a reference date
for the acceptance of this contract.
Article 5 – Definition of services
5.1 The Service gives the Panelist the option to share opinions on products and services, test products and services, participate in paid online surveys and market research developed by Surveyeah or client companies.
5.2 Surveyeah reserves the right to add, modify, or remove features from the Website and the Service without prior notice or formality other than a notification of such changes to this Agreement, to be made through any means.
Surveyeah retains the right to permanently cancel the service with an advance notice of four weeks.
Article 6 – Obligations of the Surveyeah surveys panel
Surveyeah is committed to:
6.1 Providing a page to the Panelist for the answers to the frequently asked questions (FAQs), and for general assistance. Personal assistance is provided via the contact form, Surveyeah cannot be held responsible for any assistance malfunctioning, such as temporary interruption or response delays.
6.2 Implementing all technical and organizational measures to protect the information entered by the Panelist.
6.3 Not disclosing the data entered by the panelist to third parties in any form. Should inserting personal contact details be deemed necessary, the Panelist can choose not to supply such details and remain anonymous in all circumstances.
6.4 Treating all information provided by the Panelist anonymously, including the set of answers given by the Panel or otherwise from the sample used for research data, relating to paid surveys and market research. In some cases, the Panelist may explicitly waive anonymity.
6.5 Sending cookies to the Panelist’s computer, allowing Surveyeah to recognize the panelist and preventing him/her from having to re-enter the password during the same session, and to analyse the website pages visited during the session.
Keeping the Site operational at all times. The non-functioning of the service
does not give the right to any reimbursement. Surveyeah cannot be held responsible
for temporary interruptions of Service.
Considering that the Service is free, Surveyeah cannot be held responsible for any consequences,
also of a financial nature, that arise from temporary Service interruptions.
6.7 Publishing, if they have been approved by the Panelist, the contributions he / she has provided for circulation.
6.8 Listing the eventual contraindications for the products to be tested (e.g., allergies, minimum age, pregnancy).
6.9 Contacting the Panelist should a third party make claims for the Panelist’s actions in violation of the articles of this agreement, in particular Article 7. The Panelist agrees to compensate Surveyeah for any damage caused, or costs incurred, for lack of respect of an item on the part of the Panelist.
6.10 Communicating to the Panelist that any changes to this contract will be published on the Website and the Panelist will be consulted. Surveyeah reserves the full right to modify the Service and the current conditions.
6.11 Keeping data confidential from closed Accounts for probative purposes for a limited period fixed by Surveyeah pursuant to the current legislation in force.
Article 7 – Obligations of the Panelist
The Panelist will:
7.1 Respond honestly to proposed paid surveys and research sent by Surveyeah. Surveyeah reserves the right to not award payment for a survey completed randomly.
7.2 Participate in at least one paid survey out of five of those that will be sent from the Surveyeah consumer panel.
7.3 Participate personally and not disclose to third parties his/her Account access data and to keep the information contained in the paid surveys strictly confidential.
7.4 Edit, add or delete the personal information provided in case of changes, such as work or family status.
7.5 Respect the rules of good conduct and public order, in particular not to publish defamatory or discriminatory information and messages in accordance with current legislation in force. The Panelist will respond personally to any actions pursued by third parties in relation to what is published and Surveyeah cannot be held responsible.
7.6 Respect the rights of third parties, in relation to trademark, copyright, legal entity rights.
7.7 Not to use his/her Account for commercial purposes and not to publish advertising material on the Website, which is a right exclusively reserved for Surveyeah.
7.8 Not to use the email addresses of the other Panelists to send unsolicited email.
7.9 Have a sole Account for the actual person and not create dummy accounts for fake members.
Article 8 – Duration and Termination
8.1 The Panelist enters into this contract by clicking on the link in the confirmation email.
8.2 The contract is agreed for an indefinite period.
8.3 The contract can be terminated with no advance notice at any time by both the Panelist and Surveyeah.
8.4 All unconverted euros (dollars, pounds..) are permanently cancelled in all cases of termination, whatever the reason. In such cases, Surveyeah is not obliged to reimburse the Panelist.
8.5 In the event of fraud, previously converted euros (dollars, pounds..) as well as rewards are permanently cancelled. In such cases, Surveyeah is not obliged to reimburse the Panelist.
Article 9 – Payment and rewards
9.1 With the participation and completion of paid surveys, the Panelist receives euros (dollars, pounds..) in proportion to the average time taken by all Panelists to respond to that paid survey. Surveyeah reserves the full right to modify the thresholds and parameters of the payment obligation, in the event of change the update will be published in advance on the Website.
9.2 The balance of an Account cannot be transferred or sold to third parties, but can only be converted on Paypal or for agreed rewards, and in any case only when the specified threshold is attained.
9.3 Upon cancelling their registration, the panelist waives any right to the points till then accumulated
Article 10 – General regulations
10.1 These conditions are the only contract between Surveyeah and Panelist. If any clause is declared invalid by a competent court, the other conditions will remain in force.
10.2 Italian law is the governing body in the interpretation of this contract and the Italian courts are the only competent bodies in the event of litigation, specifically the Court of Milan.
10.3 The Panelist ensures Surveyeah against any recourse in case of third party interception of the data entered or for uses that have not been authorized by Surveyeah.